Sweet Potato Gnocchi

The leaves are almost fully changed, there is a crisp, cool breeze and different varieties of pumpkins are popping up on most door steps. This only means one thing, fall is in the air! Here I have for you one of my favorite fall Gnocchi recipes which is super easy and delicious. Sweet Potato Gnocchi (made with Whole Wheat flour!) and an Apple Bacon Sauce (with apples picked fresh from the farm down the street)
First we're going to make the Gnocchi
Gnocchi Ingredients:
1 Large Sweet Potato baked & cooled with skin taken off
1 Large Egg
3/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon (you may omit this if cinnamon isn't your thing)
Gnocchi Instructions:
In a large mixing bowl mash the cooled sweet potato. Add egg, salt and cinnamon and mix until well combined.
Gradually add flour, stirring every 1/4 cup or so, until mixture comes together into a sticky dough. Turn out onto a clean, floured surface.
With floured hands make dough into a ball and cut into quarters with a pastry cutter or kitchen knife making sure both are floured so none of the dough sticks. Form one of the quarters into a log about 1/2" thick. Cut log into about 1/2 " dumplings.
Using the back of a floured knife (or floured gnocchi board if you're fancy) lightly press into the tops of the gnocchi's to form slight grooves.
Set gnocchi aside on a floured baking sheet and repeat with the other 3 dough balls.
To cook add gnocchi to large pot of boiling, salted water stirring to ensure the gnocchi's don't clump together. You know they are done when they float to the top of the pot, should take 4-5 minutes.
Drain and set aside.
Now for the sauce

Sauce Ingredients:
4-5 slices Canadian Bacon diced
1 apple, peeled, cored and cut into 1/2" pieces
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
2 tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
chopped fresh basil & sage for serving (3-4 leaves each)
Sauce Instructions:
Heat skillet to med-high and add bacon. When fat begins to render add thyme, cinnamon & fennel seeds and cook till bacon just starts to crisp, 3-5 minutes.
Add apple and saute, 2 minutes
Add balsamic and salt & pepper to taste. turn heat to low.
Add cooked gnocchi from recipe above. Stir well to combine and coat.
Serve with topped fresh herbs and black pepper.
Serves 4
Enjoy with Family, Friends and (you guessed it) Red Wine!